Avanale Water Solutions & Avanale Renewable Energy
Avanale Water Solutions & Avanale Renewable Energy
South East Queensland Based Wholesale Suppliers & Specialists in Water Treatment
We Design, Manufacture & Supply - Desalination (reverse osmosis), UF, Filtration & Solar
South East Queensland Based Wholesale Suppliers & Specialists in Water Treatment
We Design, Manufacture & Supply - Desalination (reverse osmosis), UF, Filtration & Solar
Waste Water Treatment
The Bio-Disk
Avanale's Bio-Disk designed and built in Australia provides
low energy, low operator input, proven design & low cost
Suitable for most locations the Bio-Disk can be solar powered and is ideal for remote locations,, Hotels, Resorts mine sites and small communities.
Depending on the configuration the Avanale Bio-Disk can produce Class C, B, A or A+ quality effluent.
Please email us for further information & a brochure.
Treatment, Sewage Treatment, Sewage , Sewage Treatment,
How Does It Work?
Avanale's Bio-Disk is a rotating biological contactor or RBC. It is a biological treatment process used in the treatment of wastewater. The RBC process involves allowing the wastewater to come in contact with a biological medium in order to remove pollutants in the wastewater before discharge of the treated wastewater. A rotating biological contactor is a type of secondary treatment process. It consists of a series of closely spaced, parallel discs mounted on a rotating shaft which is supported just above the surface of the waste water. Microorganisms grow on the surface of the discs where biological degradation of the wastewater pollutants takes place.
The rotating packs of disks (known as the media) are contained in a tank or trough and rotate at between 2 and 5 revolutions per minute. The shaft is aligned with the flow of wastewater so that the discs rotate at right angles to the flow with several packs combined to make up a treatment train. About 40% of the disc area is immersed in the wastewater.
Biological growth is attached to the surface of the disc and forms a slime layer. The discs contact the wastewater with the atmospheric air for oxidation as it rotates. The rotation helps to slough off excess solids. The disc system can be staged in series to obtain nearly any detention time or degree of removal required. Since the systems are staged, the culture of the later stages can be acclimated to the slowly degraded materials.
The process is simple and requires little operator input. Due to the nature of design the system handles toxic shock and varying loads far better than forced air type systems. Low power consumption is also an advantage.
Case Study
Case Study
RPC Nauru - a 600EP unit upgradable to 2,500EP. Installed in October, 2013. This is an extremely remote site in the middle of the Pacific. Low energy requirements and low operator requirement, combined with a quick delivery time were key considerations for the client. Unit was installed within a week.
Bio contactors in train 2 shown.
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